| Â Milos originally hails from the czech republic and is now living in Berlin since a few years. The cute 19 year old is into sports (and has a quite well developed body for his age) , loves movies and travelling a lot as well. He identifies as bisexual with a sligh preference for Boys and he is active only. |
  |  Justin is 25 years of age and hails from Berlin-Mitte. He is gay and loves to be passive. Justin is a very open minded and friendly type of guy in real live, although, looks like he does not smile much (only in very few photos). He was very concentrated in delivering a good show and got turned on by our model Nicki on Berlinmale. In our oppinion, his real charakter comes across much better in his video than in his photosset. Enjoy. |
  |  Brice Farmer, the winner of a porn talent scout show in France visited Berlin and of course did he also visit our casting couch! The 21 year old from Bordeux shows what he has – besides his good looks also a nice throbbing dick that shoots a hot load just for you. |
  |  Meet Abraham, our lates addition to the latin collection on Sweetadonis. This guy is 19 years of age, bisexual and shy as can be. When he came to the shooting, he brought along one of his friends to keep an eye on whats happening and after the shooting this guy came up asking us if he could be in front of the cam too… Sometimes finding models is a real breeze… |