Monthly Archives: October 2007
Blowing Sean Ash
I look back on my college days with fond memories of meeting new friends, having new experiences, and of course, the frat parties (blowing drunken frat boys). Though it has been many moons since I walked the halls of my alma mater, the party spirit remains alive and well on college campuses everywhere. Just ask super jock Sean Ash! He parties hard, but he keeps his body in shape by daily gym workouts. Though he likes to have fun, he doesn’t take the opportunity to get a college education lightly. He’s always known that success cums from doing something you love and getting paid for it. As a preteen, Sean discovered his parents’ porno tapes and was hooked. At 14, he pounded his first pussy and since then, there’s been no stopping him. On campus, the girls throw themselves at him, but it didn’t take this stud long to discover the business of fucking guys helps pay the bills!
When he arrived at our studio, his sense of self worth was apparent. He wasn’t arrogant or haughty. On the contrary, he was actually soft-spoken with a quick sense of humor; however, the way he spoke about his goals and life dreams indicated that he had plans for success, and he really didn’t care what others thought of his path to getting there. I guess that kind of deep seeded confidence comes from having a big, thick cock (heehee), but I could be wrong. Then again, maybe it’s that ass that’s perfectly round, just ripe for fucking. Mike asked him if he did special exercises in the gym, like squats, to keep his ass so firm. He smiled an impishly wry grin and responded, “It’s a black thang.†I ain’t mad at ya Sean… Heeeey! Mike always has an appetite for thick dick and beautiful ass. Needless to say, Blowing Sean Ash left him well satisfied.