At the age of 20, Seth Boxer is relatively new to the scene, with just a few videos under his belt. He had sex for the first time when he was 17, and like a kid in a candy store, he has been satisfying his hungry appetite for Asian delight every since. Putting himself through college with odd jobs was getting pretty tedious, so on a friend’s suggestion, he decided to give porn a try. Having met with mild success, Seth decided to take a break from the books, and focus on the biz.
Even though this was not his first time on camera, like most newcummers, Seth was nervous when he arrived on set. He relaxed the most when he talked about growing up on a farm, miles away from the nearest city. But Seth’s eye’s really lit up when he described his first time having sex with an Asian girl when he came to California. Like the master craftsman he is, Mike used that moment to fuel Seth’s mental picture during his audition. With an All-American look, Seth strikes a handsome pose on camera. But Mike wanted to see if Seth could move on camera, and be more than just a pretty face. Once Seth found his zone, he surprised us all. Seth admitted that he’d never done a lot of anal play in his personal life, so Mike definitely focused on introducing Seth to the joys of playing with his own ass.
Like most diamonds in the rough, only time will tell whether or not this untapped resource has what it takes to truly shine. If his audition is any indication, I’d say Seth Boxer is going to be around for a long time!