It wasn’t too long ago that Julian Stiker came through our door, a bright-eyed newbie who wanted to get into the porn biz. His enthusiasm was overwhelming and his nice, tight body was undeniable. Mike was so impressed that he didn’t wait to assemble the video crew. He just took Julian to the studio immediately and shot audition footage himself. Julian was proud of his hot body, and had no problems showing it off. But what surprised all of us was how comfortable he was playing with his ass. We definitely saw promise. Like most straight guys, Julian said he was open-minded sexually, as long as it’s with a woman. Having been down this road many times before, Mike invited Julian back to do a massage video to ease him into having another man touch him. It was no surprise to us that Julian was able to relax so much under Mike’s massage that his dick got hard just from being grazed. Now if that’s not a sign of comfort, I don’t know what is.
When Julian arrived for his “blowing†scene, he was nervous at first. He wanted to make sure that he could watch a straight porn video to keep him “excited.†Yeah Julian, anything you say!! Once Mike took him to the “pleasure zone,†with a warm mouth wrapped around his cock and a hard tongue teasing his ass, Julian was able to let go and just enjoy the sensation. Go figure! Who knows what doors have been opened for Julian Striker. Only time will tell…