Andrew showed up at my door after uh, setting his apartment on fire. He needed the cash right away, and I sure didn’t have anyone just sitting around to do a scene. We had done the Edge video together (and it was fun!) so I didn’t think you all would sit through another scene of us together again.
I thought I could test out the new Glory Hole thang, and my goal is to eventually do a DVD. I figured I could include it as a bonus scene. Also, there is waaay too much of me sucking dick on this site, and it never seemed like a good time to release it. Heck, later this week I step in to help two models get it going. I do try to balance the releases amongst solos, sex, and the themes.
This Monday, I was going back and editing all these  videos that got pushed to the back shelf. As I was editing this piece, I was beginning to think it was turning out to be a pretty hot video!
Andrew is way into it, something I never realize when until I edit the video. The angles are fun and different, and the cumshots are sweet. I bust all over his face and then suck him off without giving him a chance to clean up! He had to do his cumshot with my load drying on his face…~eg~ Poor straight guy!
I figured it was a strong video and that it didn’t need to be tucked away as bonus material on DVD. But when to air it?
Well, why not today!?
I normally have a calendar of releases, trying to keep the balance of video themes, and this one was getting older by the minute, so here ya go, something to get ya over the humpday.
This theme isn’t for everyone. It’s for fans of t-rooms. So please don’t write me to stop doing ‘em. If you wanna see full on sex, just wait till the weekends. Rest assured, there are fans that do like the anonymity and one-sidedness of these vids, but I understand they aren’t for everyone.
But I think a large enough audience will get into this one. It ain’t bad considering it has a lot of me in it!