So I’ve gotten in a bad habit of calling Stash the Ulitmate Twink, when referring to him to my friends.
I’m not saying it negatively, but his nickname throws my friends off and they are like, “Who is Stash?”
“Ya know, the Ultimate Twink I showed you!” I try to remind them.
And he really is. He is very sweet natured, but has a naughty side, and well, you can’t deny he is youthful looking. And I think if you are a more mature viewer of the site who digs the young dudes, he might be interested in you as well.
I definitely love watching any Service type video where the guy basically loses it, but this video has a much more subtle dynamic.
Stash was very chill, relaxed, and well, tender. It might be hard to see, but almost the entire video he keeps his hand on my arm. I wouldn’t go as far to say that it is like we were holding hands, but he did reach out and keep a connection between us that I think lends a nice subtle energy.
During his solo he mentioned he was more of a top. Based on this video, I think there is an inner bottom boy in him!
Frankly, I think Stash will excel at any position he puts his mind too.