Russian boys – as you’ll know if you’re a connoisseur of sites like this one – are one of the great mainstays of boy-porn.
In the first place, most importantly, they’re often incredibly good looking. Not only do they have those broad Slavonic faces, blue eyes and fair hair that everyone seems to love, but they’re rarely overweight and seem to keep themselves in better trim that many boys elsewhere. And, in the second place, ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union and until fairly recently, there have been more Russian boys around than there have been jobs for them. As a result, money’s been short for lots of these boys and so they’ve been more than usually willing to be pretty imaginative as to how they get some…  The result’s been a bonanza for sites like ours.
But there’s a change in the air. Whether it’s all those oil and gas reserves that they’ve got or something else entirely, we’re now starting to see Russians on our site not just as models but as customers too.
And young Vitaly, believe it or not, is just that!
The difference is, though, that unlike many of our customers, he’s still able to get away with looking like an HMBoys model, too. And he decided – “just for a joke”, he says – that it would be fun if he and his friends could see him posing on our website.
Of course, we were delighted to agree and we knew that you’d enjoy seeing Vitaly’s pictures, too. But wasn’t he, we had to point out, just a little concerned that someone who knew him as the “respectable” Vitaly might see his photographs here? Well, it turns out that he isn’t in the slightest bit worried because he can afford not to be.
Vitaly’s dad was one of those legendary “Russian oligarchs” who did very well in the 1990s – something, it seems, to do with buying up the state monopoly on zinc alloys. Now zinc alloys might not seem very much to you, but Vitaly tells me it’s amazing how they are used in dozens of ways in everyday life – and with a population of 150 million Russians all needing them, no wonder Vitaly’s dad got rich.
Note, by the way, the past tense there. He “got” rich – but he also, in the course of some dispute with the aluminium alloys king, got dead, leaving Vitaly to inherit the business and to get on with his own life pretty much as he wants (luckily for us).
By the way, what you don’t see here in Vitaly’s pics is, we’re told, the Porsche that he drove to get himself to the location. It’s just out of shot, along with one of Russia’s top – and cutest – boy band members who, strangely enough, just happens to be young Vitaly’s current squeeze.
We hope that they – and you – like the show…