Last week, you’ll probably recall, we told you about HMBoy Vitaly – a Russian who decided that he’d like to appear on our website just for a bit of fun.
Well, this week’s young Russian, Renat, is far more typical of the Eastern Europeans who decide to become HMBoys or to appear on other sites – he simply needed the cash. After all, if you’re born in the middle of nowhere (or, in Renat’s case, Siberia) and you want to make something of your life, it stands to reason that you’re going to take hold with both hands when any opportunity to get on presents itself.
In this case, our photographer encountered Renat when the boy was going door to door looking for work. He’d just left school, it turned out, and hadn’t been able to get a job – so he was hoping that he might make a few roubles from rubbish clearing or sweeping up the yard. And maybe, if he was really lucky, there might be some indoors jobs like a bit of painting and decorating that would, at least, get him out of the Siberian cold. (By the way, guys, we’re sorry to destroy a common boyporn fantasy but Russian houses don’t usually have outdoor pools – so any idea that Renat would become the sort of poolboy who strips off for work at the drop of a fur hat is just a non-starter!)
Of course, our experienced photographer isn’t stupid. He knew very well that propositioning a young man on the doorstep within just a few minutes of meeting him for the first time could easily be a recipe for disaster. Either he’ll say no straight away or – in the worst case scenario – he’ll be putting in a quick call to the local gendarmerie.
So our guy played it cool.
Maybe Renat could take a look at the car engine that wasn’t running properly?
“Sorry, I don’t know anything about cars…”
Well, there are a few loose tiles on the roof that need attention.. Â
“I haven’t brought a ladder with me…”
What about trimming the grass at the back of the house?
“Hay fever.”
Well, then, I’m sorry, Renat, but I don’t think that there’s anything else I can offer you. Maybe you’ll have better luck with my neighbour. It was nice to meet you.. Goodbye…  Oh, hang on a minute, though! There just might be something. Of course, it might not appeal to you – but the money isn’t too bad… You see, I’m a photographer…