You know how it is with boys…
They’re just like buses.
You wait around for one for ages – and then two come along at once!
Well, that’s how it was, at any rate, with Francois.
No soon had our photographer got him into the studio and sat him down with a cup of coffee and all the documentation to sign than there was an unexpected ring at the doorbell.
And, lo and behold, there on the doorstep was another boy – and a very cute one indeed.
The newcomer’s name, it turned out, was Joaquin – and a very cute young man he was, too. He’d just turned up unannounced, he explained, because a friend had suggested that our photographer might be able to offer him some work.
Never one, of course, to look a gift horse in the mouth, our guy invited Joaquin into the apartment in the hope that maybe Francois would agree to a duo session with the good-looking newcomer.
But it turned out that Francois – who was doing this sort of thing for the very first time – was just a bit too nervous for that and so, reluctantly, our photographer had to send Joaquin away, though with the promise of some work in the future.
In the end, though, Francois’s solo photoshoot was a great success. He lost any nerves that he might have had earlier and, as you can clearly see, got right into the swing of things. In fact, you’d swear that he’d been posing and jacking off for the camera for years – if it wasn’t for the fact that he was only a couple of months past his 18th birthday.
Things went, in fact, so well that, as he was leaving, Francois said that he’d changed his mind and that he’d be happy to do a duo set with good-looking Joaquin in the near future. You’ll be pleased to hear that we’ll be posting that here on in just a few weeks time.
And our photographer tells us that the Francois’s second shoot will be just as hot as this first one.
Because, like we said at the start, a boy like Francois is just like a bus…
He offers a really great ride.