From today we’ll add some straight content under category “straight” for our straight and bi visitors
Category Archives: news
We do regret that recent week our “sharing passwords” form was out of service. But we’re glad to inform that it’s fixed now and ypu can use it as before!
Just want to remind you again that you suppose to submit your own password from the site you weren’t satisfied with and request one password back from the list.
Information for surfers who submitted their passwords between the following dates: from the 20th of May and to the 6th of June – please re-submit your passwords again as all information was deleted. Thanks!
We’ve moved!
Hello gay world!
We’re glad to inform you that we are finally supported by another script which is more flixable, powerfull and gives you more possibilities to take a part to improve this site.
Go further and you will find new and fresh passwords to gay sites…